Navigating Stress

Navigating Stress during COVID-19

When many things feel uncertain or out of our control, one of the most effective ways we can manage stress and anxiety is to focus on the actions that are in our control.
In this series, Melissa Holy, the founder of Grit Business & Success Training discusses some ways you can take intentional steps to look after your physical and emotional wellbeing.
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How to overcome fear of the unknown

Sometimes, a fear of the unknown can be closely related to a fear of change. Lack of predictability and control can be contributing factors to fear. 

COVID-19 has caused a lot of people to self-isolate. Self-isolation can lead to people feeling cut off from society, from their routine and their loved ones. 
Love, lessons,
and legacy

A special look at home, family, and parenting during these challenging and uncertain times. How your INNER STRENGTH, influence, and stories will all play a role in post-covid life.

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The strength of a

The innate qualities of endurance, empathy, creativity, tolerance, dignity, gentleness, kindness and integrity, among others, have stood the test of time and won for them the recognition they rightly deserve in the contemporary world.