This series is designed to help you improve the food and nutrition choices you make every day!
How you care for your body is key in maintaining a strong immune system and now is the perfect time to learn what you can do to live a healthier life! Over 10 episodes, Medical Nutritionist, Therapist, Registered Dietitian, and Certified Diabetic Care & Education Specialist, Melanie Ajanwachuku will be educating and answering questions on a multitude of health and wellness topics.0
An introduction to the nutrition series by Today’s Woman Foundation Executive Director, Cindy Bostick.
A high-protein breakfast habit makes you feel satiated and gives you the energy you need to function, making it ideal for the first meal of the day.
1 in 3 Americans don’t get enough z’s on a regular basis and it impacts their health. What does healthy and not-so-healthy sleep look like?
Food safety begins with purchasing and acquisition, well before the supplies hit their kitchen. Learn how to safely shop and prepare nutritious meals for your family.
During the pandemic, many of us gained “quarantine weight”. This is caused by several factors, including stress and being stuck at home with no outlet for physical activity.
Reading food labels can help you make smart food choices. Learn how to read and understand the product date, ingredient list, and nutrition information on food labels.
We are grateful to our supporters who have made this series possible! We’ve enjoyed educating the community during the pandemic. Live well, eat well, and stay safe!
Our Mission:
Empower our diverse community of women through education, advocacy, and resources to enhance body, mind, and spirit.
Through our work in the community, we remain committed to listening and learning from the women we serve.